Thanks for the

Shout Out, Ken.

Agency McKenna’s relationship with Momentive and SurveyMonkey runs deep.

For over 15 years, we have taken our curiosity about what drives members and customers to action. What do they value? What do they use? How’s the organization doing? Sometimes our surveys are enterprise-wide. Other times they’re product-specific. We use survey data to drive actionable insights and help leaders make BOLD DECISIONS.

What’s at stake?

Your Future.

Here are 12 scenarios where your board, C-suite, or senior staff are looking for increased performance and how surveys (macro or micro) can help pinpoint strategies for growth. Surveys uncover wants, needs, and sentiments but can also vet big ideas, campaign concepts, or new products in the research and scanning phase. Enabling you to rapidly iterate and find the right solution to stay on top. Surveys are indispensable. Like water in a desert.

“Businesses that rely on research to make data-driven decisions are more successful than businesses that do not.”

-ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management

Surveys Are Lifesavers
For Change Management.

To win in today’s ultra-competitive market requires BOLD DECISIONS. But how do you do that with internal pressures of time, money, and people constraints? Or external factors affecting your business—globalization, economic, political, or social? One way is to invest in survey technology and research to save you hundreds of thousands or millions in opportunity costs. You may be asking yourself—what’s sticky with our customer base? What do new customers want? What do we sunset? What do we add or reinvigorate? Surveys give answers.

Download this report from our partners at Momentive. See how surveys can shape your internal decision-making to accelerate your business success.

Ask the

Right Questions.

Get the

REAL Answers.

Bold decisions can change the trajectory of your business, creating new opportunities and leveraging your organization’s strengths. By nature, they are disruptive. Game-changing breakthroughs and sustainable success are anchored in bold decisions. Getting answers to some of the most pivotal questions surrounding your business can increase conversions and create positive sentiment. These are gold when it comes to brand loyalty.

Top 12 Survey Types

For Every Organization.

Conducting internal and external research allows your organization the ability to make data-driven decisions to advance continuous improvement, innovation, financial stability and growth as well as customer engagement and satisfaction.

What type of surveys should I use at MY ASSOCIATION?

These are geared toward your members, member-companies, and volunteers at 501(c)6 orgs.

Understand how aligned members, business partners and companies are with your mission.

Get real-time data on your programs, resources, business events and value proposition.

Gauge how new members start their relationship with you and uncover any gaps and goals.

Prior to building your next event, test your agenda, messaging, exhibitor/networking program.

Engage attendees, staff, speakers and leadership on how you did and what you can do better.

Hear from your business partners, what they want and need, then re-shape their experience.

Survey future leaders to demonstrate the value of their candidacy and future service.

Understand what today’s professionals need and update your education / CE programs.

Uncover who are your promoters and detractors – how to create advocates and ambassadors.

Pinpoint which communication channels members value and use – to increase engagement.

Test creative concepts, new products and services with your target market prior to go-live.

Hear from consumers on industry perceptions, buyer preferences, and key social issues like DEI.

What type of surveys should I use at MY COMPANY?

These are geared toward B2C and B2B customers, internal staff, and target market or competitive landscape.

Understand why people buy from you, identify trends info to increase sales and brand loyalty.

Use surveys to engage your highest value targets and prospects leading to more conversions.

Get anonymous customers’ input about your industry, competition, products and services.

Gauge how customers see your company’s competitive strengths and weaknesses.

Learn about buyer motivations, attitudes, preferences and customer service feedback.

Uncover who are your promoters and detractors – how to create advocates and ambassadors.

Get B2B/consumer feedback on existing and future products and attract more 5-star reviews.

Engage customers in top-mid-bottom of sales funnel, product delivery, service experience.

Identify paths to purchase, friction points, customer advocacy: online, in-person, 360-degrees.

Test creative concepts, new products and services with your target market prior to go-live.

Engage new employees from start date, onboarding, SOP training so talents stays at the top.

Reveal how employees feel about their work, company culture, & outlook to increase retention.

What type of surveys should I use at MY NON-PROFIT?

These are geared toward your constituents, donors, and volunteers at 501(c)3 and 501(c)4 orgs.

Understand why people support your organization – LAI principle (linkages, ability and interest).

Use surveys to engage prospects leading to more supporters and higher contributions.

Engage your end-users, clients, families and communities to identify impacts & success stories.

Know why volunteers, donors, and leadership at the individual and corporate levels give to you.

Identify who is in your “competitive space” regarding fundraising, strengths and weaknesses.

Uncover who are your promoters and detractors – how to create advocates and ambassadors.

Understand what professionals need from your education, credentialing, CE programs.

Guage how well your website delivers its mission, program value, donor funnel and more.

Test creative concepts, donor and event pitches with your target market prior to go-live.

Prior to your next fundraising event, test future messaging, marketing with your targets.

Engage attendees, staff, donors and leadership on how you did and what you can do better.

Reveal how employees feel about their work, company culture, & outlook to increase retention.

Where Do I Start Creating a Survey?

The one thing you can bank on, literally, is strengthening the customer experience. CX is the #1 driver for brand preference, loyalty, and sales revenue. Organizations that keep a pulse on the “voice of the customer” in all touchpoints and then integrate these insights back into the business, see greater ROI from personalized experiences and better connections that lead to lasting relationships.


Without Action,

Is Like a

Bike with No Wheels.

Can accurate data drive actionable insights? Absolutely. Data drives analysis, which in turn, creates insights. But without action, it’s just information. It’s what you do with those insights that can make all the difference in your business evolution, new product launch, or campaign success. Insights can inform SPIE — your strategy, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

How To Get Actionable Information?

  1. Build a data-driven culture
  2. Increase investment in technology to elevate how people make decisions
  3. Increase speed of data collection to insight targets
  4. Align insights to action plans
  5. Evaluate continuous improvements
strategic planning
digital-first marketing

How Often Should I Collect Feedback?

How often should you collect feedback from your stakeholders? By increasing stakeholder feedback on an ongoing, consistent basis, you’ll be in a position to better respond to and adapt to their perspectives. Be willing to take the blinders off and listen. Consumers, customers, employees, investors, supply chain, and industry partners will tell you what you need to know. Then build these insights into strategies and tactical plans to move the needle.

“You want to conduct a general member satisfaction survey every year, a survey of non-renewing members / former customers every two years, a general needs assessment every three years, and a broader segmentation survey every four years.”

-ASAE Handbook of Professional Practices in Association Management

What’s the Process

Of a Great Survey?

For B2B and B2C companies as well as 501(c)6, 501(c)4, 501(c)3 non-profits—we generally develop surveys that result in thousands of responses. For associations and non-profits, we have created surveys with as much as 44% of the entire membership responding. We have two Certified Association Executives (CAE) principal consultants to review and synthesize survey data and can incorporate research into your organization’s culture, strategic planning, and action plans.

Empower collaboration within your organization. Break down silos of decision-making. Align research, strategy, and planning across departments, divisions, and product lines to unlock greater potential.

Here’s how we create amazing surveys:

Step 1: Kick off program with senior staff on survey objectives

Step 2: Review client’s existing strategic plan and business plan

Step 3: Identify business areas under- and over-performing

Step 4: Agency McKenna develops questionnaire – client reviews

Step 5: AGMK finalizes and codes survey, develops creative for awareness

Step 6: AGMK sends reminders, monitors survey performance, closes survey

Step 7: AGMK sends client raw data, analyses closed- and open-ended responses

Step 8: AGMK synthesizes survey into actionable insights & recommendations brief

Step 9: Client internalizes insights into action plan, updates board and senior staff

The hidden magic happens through collaboration which results in huge response numbers.

How much do surveys cost?

That’s like asking, “how much for a kitchen remodel?” It varies. Small surveys may require 40-50 hours consulting time. While larger surveys including cross-tab analysis, segmentation, and synthesis can take 60-80 hours. When you factor in the time to work the 9-step process above and develop the deliverables including the creative assets to drive awareness and increase participation—survey services add up to time well invested.

At Agency McKenna, we survey hundreds of thousands of constituents. We have the highest subscription of Momentive’s SurveyMonkey. A plus when it comes to data analysis and year-over-year benchmarking. We also provide the professional services to grow your organization’s culture of data collection to help leaders make BOLD DECISIONS. Invest in your future. If you don’t, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Create a clear vision about “what’s next” including your positioning, new products and services, as well as next gen customers like Millennials and Gen Z.

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score® or NPS® is the de facto benchmark used to evaluate the customer experience (CX). The question: On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend (X company / Y product / Z service) to a friend or colleague? The benefits of asking this question are remarkable. The results identify two key audiences: promoters and detractors.

The more promoters and higher NPS score, the more loyal customers will be to your company (in terms of relationship), your product (in terms of transaction value), or your service (in terms of customer service solution). NPS scores range from -100 to +100. A higher score is most desirable. This results in a current benchmark. With enhancements to your products, services, communications, and delivery channels—you will likely want to ask the NPS question again in the future to identify “lift” and a higher CX score.

What’s the Rule of 14:4?

And How Do We Flip It?

Bad news travels fast. The Rule of 14:4 states that negative sentiment from detractors is likely to be shared with 14 people while positive feedback from promoters is shared with only 4 people. So identifying your Net Promoter Score® is a critical benchmark. However, some take the opposite point of view in terms of where to focus (detractors vs. promoters) on a “go forward” plan.

The age-old question: where do we dedicate our resources to maximize performance?  Rather than focusing all of your efforts on detractors or “problem customers”, we have learned this—take the high road. Clients want to hear from the 60-90% of customers who are happy with their experience. Clients want to share that joy with targets, prospects, and peers in order to evangelize the positives. We like that approach. Remember, negative feedback is just information. Identify ways to prevent these problems in the future and focus most of your efforts on supporting the promoters. The high road always wins in resource allocation, ROI, and performance outcomes.

In God We Trust
All Others Bring Data.™

If you rely on your board directing change or your gut feelings alone – results may be diminishing. However, if you want to create a halo around your organization, your department, your products or service lines– get real-time data from customers and start planning for next quarter and next year. Use customer-centric, actionable insights to make BOLD DECISIONS.

We’re Here for You.

And Your Success.

We’re your monthly marketing advisor. Your research specialist. Your sales pipeline builder. Your problem preventer. Are you helping your customers? Are you truly listening? Or are you just selling? Is data part of your culture? Do you need an agency of change? Are you looking for a trusted partner? Let us know if this page moved you to say “hello.”

Fred Ulreich

“With Agency McKenna, survey data gave us insights to reposition the remodeling industry and unify our value proposition. Agency McKenna went on to develop the NARI tagline, Remodeling Done Right and a branding overhaul to cement the value of remodelers to consumers and create a stronger industry brand.”

Fred Ulreich, Chief Executive Officer (retired), National Association of the Remodeling Industry
Bill Head Headshot

“Agency McKenna’s work on our member survey was vital to the creation of our new marketing plan. We now have a much better understanding of the value that we provide our membership and the best way to structure our value proposition.”

Bill Head, Director of Communications, MetroTex Association of REALTORS®

“Agency McKenna’s Member Survey presentation was very helpful to our strategic planning discussions. I think it was very eye-opening to the board. So, thank you for your help on that! We are looking forward to building our new and long-term strategic plan.”

Gina McCarthy, Vice President of Communications and Engagement, REALTOR® Association of Sarasota and Manatee

Warren McKenna, MFA, CAE
Principal & CEO


Does your marketing rely on customer surveys to identify relevant programs, services and communication channels?

From blind industry surveys to customer satisfaction surveys, we can develop turnkey surveys delivering qualitative and quantitative insights to increase engagement and brand loyalty.