7 Steps to Conducting a Blind Survey.

Avoid potential respondent bias (either positive or negative) with a blind survey. A blind survey will provide important feedback about how you are positioned and perceived in relation to your competitors. Follow these 7 steps to create a successful customer research program.

Identify which questions you want to ask using department heads in product lines, service areas, sales and marketing, customer retention and so on.

Avoid potential survey fatigue, limit your questions to around 20 and include additional demographic questions.

To conduct a blind industry survey, enlist the help of an unbiased third-party, a market research firm or media channel whose name is neutral to respondents.

Use your database or a third party provided by your industry association, media outlets, magazine or trade publication.

Incentivize the survey with desirable items such as tiered prizes to get a healthy response rate. Without proper bait, there’s no catchingfish or insights.

Deploy the survey and include timely reminders. Hint at some urgency in the final days. Close the survey. Give honorariums to select respondents for completing the survey.

And now the most important part, analyze the data. Use cross-tabbing, word clouds and sentiment analysis to understand who said what and why.

Data is only as good as what you do with it.

The insights should be considered one-by-one and in aggregate to shed light on your product lines, services areas and the organization’s position in the market. Gathering insights into competitors’ strengths can be resourceful in differentiating your organization and aligning you to the values your audiences expect.

A well-crafted survey can turn insights into directives for strategic planning and implementation so you may achieve higher performance. Remember: getting quality data, vector insights, imperative actions and performance improvements are critical.

You’re on your way to gathering insights to develop more relevant brand messaging, deeper engagement and a more productive sales funnel. You can do this.



7 Steps to Conducting a Blind Survey.

7 Steps to Conducting a Blind

Elizabeth McKenna, CAE

Principal & Managing Partner


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